Sunday, May 30, 2010

We have foster parents

Yesterdays Baby Bird Seminar had a great turn out. The weather was good and everyone was off for the weekend. There were some baby birds present with Cindy and Chris, so they got to see first hand on what it's like to be a foster parent.
The season has started and I'm sure everyone will get a chance to help these orphaned feathered friends start off with a little help.
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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Become a baby bird foster parent

Baby Bird Class and Baby Shower
Saturday, May 29, 2010: Become a foster parent for orphaned Alaskan Baby Birds! Join Bird Treatment and Learning Center, at their Baby Bird Class and Baby Shower. Learn baby bird care, see baby birds and receive handouts on baby bird rescue. Donate money for baby bird supplies or bring baby bird gifts to the event and receive a free Bird TLC lapel pin. Hundreds of babies rescued, nurtured and released every spring. Saturday, May 29, 2010, 4:30-7 pm @ the Alaska Zoo, Gateway Buildings, Off O’Malley Road. Call Bird TLC for more information #562-4852 or for baby bird needs list and rescue information.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Bald Eagle Taking a bath

This is Petra. She's one of our bald eagles in our Education Program. She's housed at the Bird TLC clinic in a very large mew. She's only a couple feet away from a kiddie wading pool, but she's decided she would rather scrunch into her water dish to bath and cool off.

It did get up to almost 60° by noon today, before it cooled off and started raining later on. I guess a good dip felt good.

I guess a clean eagle is a happy eagle.
An eagle in every pot?
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Monday, May 17, 2010

IMBD International Migratory Bird Day at the Alaska Zoo

Bird TLC was out in full force for the International Migratory Bird Day at the Alaska Zoo. We had stellar jays, magpies, northern goshawks, merlins, eagles and you just about name it.

The weather was a little on the chilly side, but that didn't keep the crowds away.

We even had songbird like robins and bohemian waxwings.

At the end we had a release of a rehabilitated merlin. To see photos of the release and other presenters, visit Britt's website. Click here.
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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Kachemak Bay Shorebird Festival

Erin brought Gandalf, the great gray owl and I brought Ghost the snowy owl and Gus the great horned owl. It was an owl of a weekend.

Both of our presentations at the high school were packed full. We had plenty of questions on owls and Bird TLC. What owls they can find around Homer and Alaska was the most popular.

The next morning we were at the Birders Breakfast at the Islands and Ocean Visitor Center sponsored by USF&W. Many people came through to see the owls.

We stayed for a long while before we had to break away to head back home. Thanks for having us Homer!
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Monday, May 10, 2010

Valdez courting eagle recovering at flight center

Now known as Lilith (from Cheers and Frasier fame), our surviving gal from a bad courtship in Valdez is now at the Bird TLC flight center. This is her chance to prove to us that's she's going to be ready for release or not. She'll have ample time to build her flight strength back and prove that there was no permanent damage from her crash last month.

Right out of her travel kennel, she flew to perch at the far end of the flight cell where she was placed. It's a little obvious that she needs some practice, but that's expected. She's been through a horrifying ordeal. She'll be sharing a cell with other eagles in different levels of recovery. Most are either not flighted or are partially flighted, still working on building their strength and skills back.

The weather has been cooperating. The temps have been staying above freezing at night and mostly sunny during the day. Lilith and her new companions have the perfect fall weather to get ready for a life back in the wild.
For more on Lilith's story, click here and here.
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Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Eagle Freedom Flight

BE 10-19 came to Bird TLC from Karluk which is on the island of Kodiak. It's population is about 25. With the bird came a request of returning it to Karluk as long as it recovered OK. Now a days most of us don't have the money to spend on things that aren't absolutely needed. This is an expense Bird TLC couldn't afford.

BE 10-19 became known as Karluk and recovered from its injuries just fine. Then became the task of trying to get it back to its home. The people in Karluk were now willing to pay for it. I called ERA Alaska because they are so generous in donating the flight space that the eagles come to us. When I told them that we had someone paying for Karluks return flight, they just said "Why?". I just replied "You guys walk on water!".

Karluk has been released back to the wild in its home of Karluk. It took a lot of people, USF&W, Bird TLC and ERA Alaska to make it happen.