Sunday, September 25, 2011

Four immatures released in Seward

We released 4 immature bald eagles back to the wild in Seward yesterday at Lowell Point. A good day with fair weather was perfect for them to start their lives over in the wild again. Britt released the first one, BE 11-44 from Dutch Harbor which was this years bird. Britt has helped to release lots of eagles, but this is the first one she did.
Heather released the next one, BE 11- 30 from Kodiak NWR. He was about 4 years old. Heather is Bird TLC's Executive Director.

Verity, our newest intern released BE 11- 13 from Kodiak NWR and I got to release BE 11-41, this years bird from Anchorage.
This is BE 11-44 showing the rest of them on how to do it. They all did well and we hope not to see them again at Bird TLC.

For more photos, click here for Bird TLC's and here for Britt's.
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Monday, September 19, 2011

Bald Eagle BE 11-42 Droopy released

A busy weekend for releases. BE 11-42, aka Droopy was released by Michelle and her friends yesterday.
Droopy found the nearest tree and decided to stay put for some time.
He had eaten the night before and had a full crop before the release, so he was satisfied with where he was.
Have a wild one Droopy!
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Saturday, September 17, 2011

Bald Eagle BE 11-52 released back to the wild

Roger Wahrer, former volunteer and long time supporter of Bird TLC got to release BE 11-52 aka Chatty back to the wild. She came to us earlier last month from the Anchorage area.

Chatty gave a good show and then flew around in the thermals for a bit showing off.

Thanks Roger!

For more photos, check out Britt Coon's album and the Bird TLC album.
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Thursday, September 15, 2011

TOTE & United Way Day of Caring

A lot of the things that come to Alaska, come by ship. That's where TOTE, Totem Ocean Trailer Express, Inc. comes in. Their large ships bring thousands of trailers full of the stuff we use everyday.

Today the employee's of TOTE donated their time to help us out. They filled 16 large garbage bags full of weeds from around the flowers and bushes at the Bird TLC property. Today they gave back to their community, and we appreciate them.
To celebrate, we released a boreal owl and a merlin during breaks. Both came to Bird TLC earlier this year with injuries that they have now recovered from.
After a hard days work of weeding, shoveling and raking, they still had a big smile on their faces.

Thanks TOTE! You guys and gals are the BEST!
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Saturday, September 03, 2011

Meet the new boss

We have a new Executive Director and it is Heather Merewood.  Some of you may already have neet her, as she has been volunteering here for a little while. She has quite a bit of experience in the raptor world. She has worked at the Carolina Raptor Center and Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center, not to mention working with vultures in Nepal and animals in Costa Rica. Heather comes to us with excellent credentials and a warm, friendly way about her.

There's a Meet and Greet Potluck on Wednesday 9/14 at 6:30 at the Bird TLC office. Bring a dish and meet Heather and Guy Runco our new volunteer coordinator. We tell you more about him later.