Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Bird Out er ah Bug Out er ah Get Out

Well the word came down today from the IBRRC. Get all injured birds to another location. That's not bad. Good thing business is slow.
Barbara Callahan is the IBRRC head person in Alaska. She's very good at her job, travels the world doing it. She's very organized but also very fair. Did I leave out she's also nice.
So far they've only recovered a few oiled birds from the Unalaska area. They are being sent to Anchorage now for cleaning and recovery. We have to make do until the situation is settled. Fair trade off for what we get in return.
Everything right now is hurry up and wait. Until mother nature starts to cooperate, that's all most can due.
Cindy Palmatier is getting good training for her job. Thrown right into the fire. She can't say she's bored.

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