Thursday, July 07, 2005

Always wanted to join the carnival

If you work, volunteer or help out at a bird rehabilitation clinic, your interest are obviously with birds. Then even if you weren't interested in birding at first, eventually you become interested. Then after you become interested, you become addicted. I am a total amateur bird watcher, er ah birder.

I spend a good amount of time at night on the computer. I do this blog and maintain the Bird TLC website. A couple of years ago I had no clue to what I was doing. I believe I might be getting a handle on it now. I learned from other websites and blogs. One of my favorites to visit is 10000 Birds.

Mike e-mailed me a little time back about a birders blog carnival. So I asked him a very professional question, " A what?". Here's his answer.........

I and the Bird is a carnival celebrating the interaction of human and avian, an ongoing exploration of the endless fascination with birdlife all around the world. It is also a biweekly showcase of the best bird writing on the web published on alternating Thursdays.

So click on the icon above and check out "I and the Bird". You'll be able to read some fine blog writting on birds in Australia, England, Alaska and some of those other states. Mike, that was a good idea.

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