Thursday, July 21, 2005

Time to remove our spectacled

Next week, (date, time and place to be announced) our visiting spectacled eider will be released. His wing has mended just fine according to Rehab Director, Cindy Palmatier and Todd Palmatier, DVM (examining the eider in pic to left).

Caretaking and rehabilitating waterfowl has always been a challenge for Bird TLC. The success of the spectacled eiders rehabilitation and soon to be release is confirmation of the advances Bird TLC has made in its caretaking of waterfowl. Remember, spectacled eiders are listed as threatened under the US Endangered Species Act.

USF&W is determining where he'll be released. They have to determine where the latest location of a flock and how to get him there. We liked having him visit, but will love to see him leave. (Nothing bad intended of course).

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