Thursday, June 01, 2006

Do we have baby birds? Sure.

Do we have baby birds Yes we do. we have black capped chickadee's, mallards and ravens so far. Some are about ready to be let go and others are working their way there.

I was at the clinic yesterday and it looked like a baby bird day care center. All of the birds will be placed with a Baby Bird Mom. The little ones need to be feed every 20 - 30 minutes and trust me, they let you know if your off schedule. It's time to feed me. NOW!


robin andrea said...

I don't know what it is about baby ducks, but they are the essence of cuteness. All the baby birds are adorable, but those ducks.

Dave Dorsey said...

They are a hoot. They quack me up.

chaindropz said...

I have more baby bird pic's. I have only seen baby chickadees once in my life. It was a real treat. A neighbor found them after they fell from a power line or phone line cover. They were a little bigger than a bumble bee. When I went to get my bird book to show them what kind of bird they found. A little girl had the little Chickadee on her finger and it was singing. I have a bird house for Chickadees they hatch and leave and I never see them.

Dave Dorsey said...

Chickadee's are cool chain. We had one in our education program for about 15 years named Cheerful.