Meg Laws of the USFWS gave a presentation about the proposed guidelines for management of bald eagles should they be delisted, and the proposed regulatory definition of “Disturb” under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, which will clarify interpretation of this regulation.
Cindy from Bird TLC described the process of rehabilitating an eagle from when it comes into the clinic to when it's

Eagle presenters Mary Bethe Wright and Gloria Beckman were able to describe some of the more exciting times of becoming a presenter and their responsibilities.

For more pictures from last night, visit John Gomes website at http://www.johngomes.smugmug.com/ANCH_BIRD_TLC
Looking at her holding that bird makes my arm ache.
It will be interesting to see how the eagles do when they are off the list.
That golden is gorgeous! Had to laugh at the size of the towel spread behind it - I know what that's for!
Laura - The Golden almost seems as large as Mary Bethe.
Laura - we call it a splat mat.
We use a big, blue tarp with a target painted on it. The bird who gets the highest point during my presentation gets an extra rat at dinner.
There you go. Our bald eats salmon and the golden eats moose meat mainly and some quail.
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