Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I don't think this young guy likes me

Even the older eagles don't respond like this when I take their picture. This guy (or gal) came in yesterday from the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge. It's just at the age where it should be practicing leaving the nest. However, it was already out of the nest and not flying yet.

This is the third almost fledgling eagle we've received so far this year. We almost never get one, but three is unheard of for Bird TLC. Cindy Palmatier has run blood test on all of them and the same results have come back for all three. Anemic and low protein. She is currently contacting raptor specialist with USF&W, ADF&G, and other raptor rehab centers in Alaska trying to figure out what is going on.
So, in the mean time it's salmon and fresh water everyday. Do you think I'll get a better response if I bring it the salmon next time?

Sorry for the greenish eagle pic's. With the freshly painted white walls reflecting the green AstroTurf in bad lighting and a young eagle acting very defensive, and it being a very long day, I didn't want to try and get the shot just right anymore.


robin andrea said...

How interesting that all three are anemic and have low protein. I wonder what that's all about? I hope the salmon and fresh water do the trick. I think this little guy will grow to love you, if you keep bringing him all those yummies!

Dave Dorsey said...

Robin - We don't know yet. I do tend to grow on people, maybe eagles? :)