BE 09-05 came in from Dutch Harbor a week ago. We have been getting so many toxin eagles in the last year, we kind of guessed that he was one. He had the symptoms, stinky green mewts, no energy, won't eat and very easy to handle. If we get them in time, they start feeling better after about 3 days at TLC. This guy wasn't getting any better.
Cindy decided to do a full work up this weekend. Test results, avian trichomonas. Trichomonas gallinae, the parasite causes avian trichomoniasis. When present, it is

usually found in the upper digestive tract of many species of doves and gallinaceous birds. Some strains may also produce liver and lung lesions. The parasite is transferred to young from the mother during feeding. Transmission between birds may also occur from contaminated feed and water. Infection by this trichomonad can be fatal. The presence of this organism in doves is a common source of infection of falcons and hawks feeding on them. We don't know how this guy got this.

Treatment has started and until he decides to eat on his own, he gets a little help. DeAnn's been a volunteer a long time and was there to buy food for Bird TLC's Education Raven she caretakes. She got drafted to help out and that's not unusual. As you can see, it takes three people to tube feed an eagle safely.
We'll keep you updated on how he's doing.
I hope he makes a full recovery! I know he will be well taken care of.
Hoping for the best for this eagle.
I am in awe at the wonderful things you all do for these birds!
I know the Eagle is in good hands.
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