BE 10-19 came to Bird TLC from Karluk which is on the island of Kodiak. It's population is about 25. With the bird came a request of returning it to Karluk as long as it recovered OK. Now a days most of us don't have the money to spend on things that aren't absolutely needed. This is an expense Bird TLC couldn't afford.
BE 10-19 became known as Karluk and recovered from its injuries just fine. Then became the task of trying to get it back to its home. The people in Karluk were now willing to pay for it. I called ERA Alaska because they are so generous in donating the flight space that the eagles come to us. When I told them that we had someone paying for Karluks return flight, they just said "Why?". I just replied "You guys walk on water!".
Karluk has been released back to the wild in its home of Karluk. It took a lot of people, USF&W, Bird TLC and ERA Alaska to make it happen.
I love it!
Kudos to all of you for your combined effort on behalf of Karluk.
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