I was at the clinic yesterday and it looked like a baby bird day care center. All of the birds will be placed with a Baby Bird Mom. The little ones need to be feed every 20 - 30 minutes and trust me, they let you know if your off schedule. It's time to feed me. NOW!

I don't know what it is about baby ducks, but they are the essence of cuteness. All the baby birds are adorable, but those ducks.
They are a hoot. They quack me up.
I have more baby bird pic's. I have only seen baby chickadees once in my life. It was a real treat. A neighbor found them after they fell from a power line or phone line cover. They were a little bigger than a bumble bee. When I went to get my bird book to show them what kind of bird they found. A little girl had the little Chickadee on her finger and it was singing. I have a bird house for Chickadees they hatch and leave and I never see them.
Chickadee's are cool chain. We had one in our education program for about 15 years named Cheerful.
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