This visitor was found on the side of the road in Copper Center just sitting there. He has no injuries that can be found by xray. We believe he collided with a car which is very common. He has suffered some head injury but we're not sure to what degree.
Can you tell me what kind of owl this is?
Have a safe Summer Solstice.
I wish I could tell you what kind of owl it is. I just looked through my Sibley's and thought it could be any one of a number of owls (especially if it's a juvenile!). My ID skills are not very good, but my heart's in the right place, and that's one cute owl! So, what kind of owl is it?
I guess "Hawk Owl"
The Northern Hawk Owl has recovered from it's dazed moment and is headed back to Copper Center as we speak to be released tomorrow.
That poor little soul! Please take good care of him/her...
What a beautiful owl! And a lucky one, to be protected through the dazement, and now to be released--good story, good ending.
Him/her we don't know. You can only be sure by DNA. Since it wasn't necessary to know, we saved the bucks. It's in Mother Natures hands now.
It does have a good ending Pamela. Last year we had a 50% release rate. Up over 5% from the previous year and 7% over average.
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