This is their last stop before moving on. They might be released or they might be placed permanately in another facility. If they are being placed its because their injury has healed but it hasn't healed enough for them to be able
In the shots where you see Cindy below, the area is called a cell. There are three cells 75 feet long and 30 feet wide. Cells A,B and C. In A there are eagles who can't or can barely fly. In B there are eagles
Over the top of each cell is streached fishing net. Some of the eagles like to hit it with their talons and hang and turn and fly the other direction as in the bottom picture. The net keeps the eagles in but doesn't harm them when they hit it.
The property is on loan from the U.S. Army National Guard since 1989. The building was there but the cells were added with material donated by Exxon during the Exxon Valdez Disaster. The cells were built by the community and Bird TLC Volunteers. It never closes. A volunteer visits everyday to feed and check on the eagles, holidays included.
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